Tell Biden's EPA to slash dangerous methane emissions

With over 80 times the warming power of carbon, methane is a huge threat to our climate and health. Methane is the second-biggest driver of climate change after carbon pollution. And the oil and gas industry is the largest industrial source of methane emissions.
President Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released an updated draft proposal to cut methane and other harmful pollutants from oil and gas operations across the country. The proposal improves upon many of the standards in the original proposal released by EPA in 2021, including requiring regular monitoring at all well sites, but it does not go far enough. There is more work to be done – especially on issues like the wasteful and dangerous practice of routine flaring.
EPA is inviting public comments on these critical standards – but only until February 13.
Tell EPA to adopt the strongest standards to cut methane pollution from the fossil fuel industry – the quickest, most cost-effective way to slow the rate of climate change and protect our health.