Pennsylvanians Demand Clean Air and Climate Action

Pennsylvanians Demand Clean Air and Climate Action

Pennsylvania voters made it apparent that they want climate action and a healthy environment when they rejected climate denier Doug Mastriano as governor and flipped the state House to a pro-climate majority last November.

Now, Pennsylvania has the chance to finally participate in RGGI, which will save Pennsylvanians hundreds of millions of dollars on their energy bills, create thousands of new jobs in the booming clean energy sector, and improve public health by reducing air pollution.

Urge Governor-elect Josh Shapiro to support Pennsylvania’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).

Urge Governor-elect Josh Shapiro to fulfill his mandate to invest in clean air and a clean energy economy by supporting Pennsylvania’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).

Pennsylvanians demanc clean air and climate action now!

Nearly two-thirds of Pennsylvanian voters think we need to do more to protect our air, water, and climate from oil and gas pollution. And voters made that apparent when they rejected climate denier Doug Mastriano as governor last November.

With Democrats in control of the state House and Governor-elect Shapiro set to take office, we have an unprecedented chance to break through the climate action gridlock in Pennsylvania — and to finally participate in RGGI.

RGGI will save Pennsylvanians hundreds of millions of dollars on their energy bills, create thousands of new jobs in the booming clean energy sector, and improve public health by reducing air pollution.