Tell NOAA and BOEM to strengthen protections for this critically endangered species

North Atlantic right whales are one of the most endangered whales on the planet, facing serious threats from fishing gear entanglement and vessel strikes, as well as being impacted by underwater noise pollution — all while struggling to adapt to climate change.
With fewer than 340 North Atlantic right whales remaining, if the species is to avoid extinction we must take immediate action.
The Biden administration’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) are working to protect North Atlantic right whales, and they must hear support for strong actions to bring the species back from the brink.
Solutions like ropeless fishing systems, which virtually eliminate the risk of entanglement while helping fishermen maintain their livelihoods, and a safer 10-knot speed limit for all vessels would significantly reduce lethal strikes. We also need strong mitigation and monitoring requirements as the new and important offshore wind industry takes off along American shores.
Submit a public comment thanking NOAA and BOEM for working to protect North Atlantic right whales and urge strong continued actions.