Cut carbon pollution to tackle the climate crisis

Cut carbon pollution to tackle the climate crisis

The Biden administration’s EPA recently proposed standards that would significantly cut climate-busting carbon emissions from coal- and gas-fired power plants. Existing fossil power plants currently face NO federal limits on their carbon pollution they emit, so EPA’s proposed standards are urgently needed. Plus, if we all push for strong limits, EPA could do even more in its final standards to address the dire threat of climate change and protect public health and the environment.

Urge EPA to finalize the most ambitious carbon limits possible

Urge EPA to finalize the most ambitious carbon limits possible

Image Coal-fired Power-Plant

Photo credit: Aaron Yoder/Getty Images

The Biden administration’s EPA recently proposed standards that would significantly cut climate-busting carbon emissions from coal- and gas-fired power plants. Existing fossil power plants currently face NO federal limits on their carbon pollution they emit, so EPA's proposed standards are urgently needed. Plus, if we all push for strong limits, EPA could do even more in its final standards to address the dire threat of climate change and protect public health and the environment.

Cleaning up electricity production is critical: power plants that burn coal and gas are responsible for one-third of U.S. carbon emissions.

The new proposed standards would set limits on power plants’ carbon pollution, and then give states and power companies the flexibility to clean up dirty fossil plants, reduce their use, or retire them in favor of cleaner power from renewable energy.

EPA should implement the strongest possible carbon pollution standards, and implement them quickly, to confront the mounting dangers of the worsening climate crisis and save lives.