Ask the Bureau of Land Management to strengthen its proposed Public Lands Rule

Ask the Bureau of Land Management to strengthen its proposed Public Lands Rule

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages 1 out of every 10 acres in the United States. These lands are home to more than 300 unique wildlife species like grizzly bears and moose which face threats from the loss of their habitats and climate change.

It is essential we protect and restore these lands before it’s too late. Will you join us in asking BLM to adopt the strongest possible conservation standards in this rule?

Tell BLM that you support the strongest possible conservation vision for America’s public lands to protect our water, wildlife, and way of life for future generations.

Tell BLM that you support the strongest possible conservation vision for America’s public lands to protect our water, wildlife, and way of life for future generations.
Thank you for your interest. The deadline for this comment period is closed. You can take action on other actions on our website.