Tell President Biden: Protect our Coasts & Communities from Offshore Drilling

Tell President Biden: Protect our Coasts & Communities from Offshore Drilling

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Every catastrophic oil spill begins with a lease sale ... and President Biden’s five-year plan for offshore oil drilling includes proposals for as many as 11 potential offshore leases for oil and gas companies in public waters in the Gulf of Mexico and possibly Alaska. We need to rally a public outcry before it's too late!

Submit an urgent letter to the Biden administration telling them to protect our coasts from drilling.

Submit an urgent letter to the Biden administration telling them to protect our coasts from drilling.

No new drilling!

Every catastrophic oil spill begins with a lease sale ... and President Biden’s five-year plan for offshore oil drilling includes proposals for as many as 11 potential offshore leases for oil and gas companies in public waters in the Gulf of Mexico and possibly Alaska.

Risky offshore drilling irreparably harms our coasts, communities, and climate. Just one oil spill would spell catastrophe for beaches, Indigenous and coastal communities, marine wildlife, and fishermen alike.

Industry is already sitting on the rights to drill across 11 million acres of ocean—and only using a quarter of that. And the U.S. is on track to hit all-time records on both oil and gas production this year. President Biden’s proposed offshore leasing plan could release anywhere from the same amount of carbon emissions as the Willow project to 10 times more, according to the U.S. Department of the Interior’s own projections.

The reality is that leasing our ocean to oil and gas companies will only lock us into the climate-destroying fossil fuels of the past for decades to come — which is exactly what the fossil fuel industry wants — at a time when we need to be rapidly transitioning to 100% clean energy to save our planet.

We need to rally a public outcry before it's too late!