Tell NOAA: Designate critical Rice’s whale habitat to protect them from extinction

Tell NOAA: Designate critical Rice’s whale habitat to protect them from extinction

Critically endangered Rice’s whales may be the most endangered whale on the planet, with only about 50 critically endangered Rice’s whales left in existence. NOAA must designate critical habitat protections for the Rice’s whale – where they feed, rest, and calve – before we lose these great whales to extinction.

Urge NOAA to protect critically endangered Rice’s whales

Urge NOAA to protect critically endangered Rice’s whales with strong actions to help bring this species back from the brink.

Close-up photo of a Rice’s whale surfacing for air.

Photo: NOAA

Only about 50 critically endangered Rice’s whales remain – threatened by oil and gas development, habitat loss and degradation, ocean noise pollution, and vessel strikes. We must act immediately, and decisively, if we have any chance to save them.

Under the Endangered Species Act, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is required to designate “critical habitat” for these whales on the razor’s edge of extinction – and save their narrow strip of habitat free from destruction from seismic blasting and dirty drilling.

NOAA must designate critical habitat protections for the Rice’s whale – where they feed, rest, and calve – before we lose these great whales to extinction.