Urge the Bureau of Land Management to reject this climate-busting plan.

Oil giant ConocoPhillips intends to explore for oil and gas on the unspoiled Arctic tundra next to the climate-busting Willow Project.
This is exactly what we feared: Willow was seemingly never the end game for ConocoPhillips. Willow is looking more likely to be the launching pad for even more drilling across the Arctic.
Now, the company’s disastrous proposal is in the hands of the Bureau of Land Management – and the agency is inviting public comments on this climate-wrecking plan.
If approved, heavy-duty machinery will invade even more of the irreplaceable Arctic wilderness. Gigantic thumper trucks will exacerbate the effects of climate change and permanently harm the sensitive Arctic permafrost. The trucks could also severely impact polar bear dens and stamp seismic tracks in the land so large they can be seen from space.
And with scientists calling 2023 the hottest year on record before it’s even over, and the Arctic warming nearly four times faster than the rest of the planet, we cannot allow ConocoPhillips a greater toehold for more drilling in the Arctic.
Help stop ConocoPhillips’ wildly reckless plan to expand their Arctic oil and gas operations.