Protect our forests from the latest congressional attack

Protect our forests from the latest congressional attack

The U.S. Senate could vote as soon as this week on a destructive bill that would allow reckless logging on millions of acres of federal land by ignoring critical environmental laws requiring scientific review, community input, and ecosystem protection. Send a message of opposition now.

Urge your senators to vote NO on the tree-killing Fix Our Forests Act.

Urge your senators to vote NO on the tree-killing Fix Our Forests Act.

Logging in Arizona’s Kaibab National Forest.

A new bill in the U.S. Senate would open millions of acres of federal lands to reckless logging by ignoring critical environmental laws requiring scientific review, community input, and ecosystem protection — and senators could be voting on it as soon as this week.

Passing this bill would repeal protections for the environment and endangered species. It would do little to mitigate wildfire risk or protect communities. And it could make fires worse by supercharging irresponsible logging.

Now more than ever, we need to show the anti-environmental Senate majority and the Trump administration that there’s massive, nationwide support to protect forests. Speak out now against this destructive, tree-killing bill.