Urge Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo to protect these imperiled whales and bring them back from the brink!

Photo: NOAA Fisheries (MMPA Permit #21938)
Rice’s whales are one of the most endangered whale species on the planet, with only about 50 left in existence.
They’re on the verge of being wiped out by the ear-splitting noise of seismic airguns and speeding vessels that are most likely to strike them as they sleep. Fossil fuel companies fire these airguns almost endlessly in their rabid hunt for more climate-busting oil in the Gulf of Mexico. And worse yet, the Biden administration is poised to greenlight even more seismic airgun surveys in the whales’ narrow strip of habitat!
Send your letter today and demand that the administration act swiftly to save the Rice’s whale from extinction and protect its critical habitat by preventing more drilling for climate-destroying fossil fuels, banning the use of seismic airguns in the Gulf of Mexico, and limiting the speeds of ships passing through.