Urge President Biden to help cancel this climate-busting plan

Less than one year after the disastrous Willow Project was approved, ConocoPhillips has received the green light to explore for MORE oil and gas on the fragile unspoiled Arctic tundra right next door.
This is exactly what we feared: Willow was just the beginning and ConocoPhillips has set its sights on even more drilling across the Arctic.
This would mean convoys of seismic “thumper” trucks weighing nearly 50 tons thundering across potential polar bear habitats this winter. Polar bear mothers might flee, leaving their pups in danger by the trucks as they stamp seismic tracks in the land so large they can be seen from space.
Help us put a stop to this by urging President Biden to do his part to cancel approval of the Willow Project and ConocoPhillips’ plans to expand oil and gas exploration on our treasured public lands in the Western Arctic.